Features of Linux File System
Features Of Linux File System:
Introduction to Linux course:
Linux is a popular operating system for personal computers. Initially, Linux supported only the Intel 80*86 processors. Currently, Linux is one of the very few operating systems that run on a wide range of processors, including Intel IA-32, AMD, DEC, PowerPC, Motorola, SPAR, and IBM S/390.
Linux is introduced by Linux Torvalds, a student in Finland in 1991.
When Linux Torvalds was studying at the University of Helsinki, he was using a version of the UNIX operating system called 'Minix' written by Andrew Tannenbaum.
Feature of the Linux Operating System:
Some important features of the Linux operating system.
1. Multitasking and Multiuser:
Linux OS is a multitasking operating system, which is capable of running several programs at the same time without affecting the performance of usage of each program. It is also a multiuser system where several users can use the same machine.
2. Multiplatform:
Linux OS is a cross-platform operating system that runs on many computer models. Linux OS kernel and application programs support their installation on any kind of hardware platform.
3. Multiprocessors Support:
Linux OS is a multiprocessor OS, which offers Symmetric multiprocessing support on SPARC and Intel platforms. This operating system is also used in other loosely-couples MP applications such as the Beowulf systems
4. Multithreading:
Linux OS has native kernel support for multiple independent threads of control within a single process memory space.
5. Open Source Code:
Linux OS and many Linux applications are distributed in open source code form. This makes it possible for users to modify or improve the features of Linux. That is why Linux is being constantly improved and updated rapidly.
6. Multiple Virtual Console:
A virtual console is also known as a virtual terminal. It is a conceptual combination of the keyboard and display for a computer user interference. It is a feature of the Linux operating system in which the system console of the computer can be used to switch between MVC to access unrelated user interference.
7. TCP/IP Networking:
Linux OS is one of the best networking operating systems. TCP/IP networking has been present in Linux since its beginning. Linux and other versions of the UNIX operating system use the TCP/IP protocol. It is not a single working protocol, rather a family of network protocols that offer various services.
8. Security:
Linux OS provides very high security using authentication features like password protection to specific files/encryption of data.
9. Virtual Memory:
Linux OS can use the hard disk as virtual memory during program execution. It uses virtual memory using paging.
10. CD-ROM File System Support:
Linux OS also support the CD-ROM file system, and it is able to read all the standard formats of CD-ROM
11. Memory Protection:
Linux OS has memory protection between processes so that one program cannot bring the whole system down.
12. Shell:
Linux OS provides a special interpreter program which can be used to execute commands of the operating system. It can be to do various types of operations.
13. Web Server:
Linux OS can be used to run a webserver. Many Linux users also run Linux as a server, connected to the Internet, and ready to provide services to requesting clients.
14.Hierarchical File System:
Linux OS provides a standard file structure in which files/user files are arranged.
Use Linux on Chromebook:
Linux is very popular in different fields of life. Some important fields where Linux is appreciated and use-dare as follows:
1. Educational Users of Linux:
Educational institutions have increasingly decided to use Linux on servers and desktop computers for their open-source software can provide.
2. Government and Business Users of Linux:
Government and business have slowly begun to realize the various benefits that Linux and open-source software can provide.
3. Home and Scientific:
Linux OS has found homes in various home and scientific capacities. From video game systems are required.
4. Netbooks:
Mini laptops called Netbooks have become extremely popular in recent years.
5. Wikipedia:
Popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia is another staunch supporter of Linux, having switched to Ubunto in 2008.
6. U.S Army:
The U.S Army's Land Warrior program. The first stage of a far researching battlefield information and communication system.7. IBM:
IBM also uses Linux on desktop and servers. IBM also ran a TV campaign in 2006 called "IBM Support Linux 100%".
8. Panasonic:
Electronics is another household name company to use Linux in powering some of its operations. Like several other firms on this list of Panasonic used Linux only after Windows NT. Rather than paying NT's expensive license fees, Panasonic in-house developers created their own system incorporating Linux-based voicemail technology. ultimately, the system they created was so successful that it grew to replace the Windows system completely.
9. Toyota Motor Sales, USA:
Toyota is installing a Linux based system connecting all its car dealers to its factory. This is a Web-based system and will be handling 30 different functions including parts ordering, warranties, and repairs
10. Pakistani Schools:
In 2002, the government of Pakistan launched a Technology Resources Mobilization Unit to promote the spread of open-source software.
11. Google-Search Engine:
The widely popular Google search engine simply would not be possible without a customized version of Linux.
Google uses clusters of hundred of Linux servers to deliver search results.
Linux OS Components:
Linux Operating system has primarily three components:
The kernel is the core of Linux, It is responsible for all major activities of this operating system. It consists of several modules and it interacts directly with the underlying hardware. kernel (OS) provides the required abstraction to hide low-level hardware details.
2. System Libraries:
System libraries are special functions using which application programs or system utilities access Kernel's features. These libraries implement most of the functionalities of the operating system(OS) and do not require the kernel module's code access rights.
3. System Utility Programs:
System Utility Program is responsible to do specialized,individual-level tasks. It means that these programs give users most of the functionalities of operating systems.
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